new NASA study has shown that the solar wind - the stream of
electrically charged particles emitted by the sun - creates a complex
electrical environment on Phobos, one of Mar's two moons. This could
prove a problem for future missions involving Phobos as a potential
initial base in the exploration of the Red Planet.
Since Phobos
has no atmosphere, no magnetosphere, and it orbits closely to Mars, it
plows directly through streams of solar wind, allowing the moon to
absorb electrically charged particles on its dayside. This creates a
void on its nightside. This allows negatively charged electrons from the
solar wind to accumulate in this void and statically charge the moon's
night side.
"We found that astronauts or rovers could accumulate
electric charges when traversing the night side of Phobos — the side
facing Mars during the Martian day," said William Farrell, lead author
of the study from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, in a statement.
"While we don't expect these charges to be large enough to injure an
astronaut, they are potentially large enough to affect sensitive
equipment, so we would need to design spacesuits and equipment that
minimizes any charging hazard."
"We found that excess charge builds up in these regions during all solar
wind conditions, but the charging effect was especially severe in the
wake of solar eruptions like coronal mass ejections, which are dense,
fast gusts of solar wind."
Read more about this fascinating story at: https://www.space.com/38530-solar-wind-charges-mars-moon-phobos.html
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Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Phobos Found to Have Complex Electrical Environment
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