Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Novel Treatment Cuts Down Fatalities from Breast Cancer

Article Written By: Mehak Bhansali


A recent treatment has broken new ground in the field of medicine – namely breast cancer treatment. This treatment reduces the chances of fatality from breast cancer by nearly a third compared to conventional forms of hormone therapy.

From the University of California, Los Angeles, Dr. Sara Hurvitz and her research team observed that integrating conventional hormone therapy with riboclib, a drug that hinders the cell cycle and interferes with the growth of cancer cells, has found to reduce the risk of fatalities within pre-menopausal females.  

In Dr. Hurvitz’s study, women younger than fifty-nine who had not reached menopause and who were diagnosed with advanced hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer were given hormone therapy. In addition to that, some of the individuals received either ribociclib or a placebo. It was found that individuals that used combined therapy (ribociclib and hormone therapy) had the highest survival rates – approximately 30% greater than those on placebo.

This discovery opens doors for other possible combinational therapies to be considered that may be able to help patients with conditions beyond the treatment of classic hormone therapy.

Image Credit: Rui Vieira/PA

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