According to new research from scientists at the NASA Ames Research Centre, spikes of ice known as penitentes
may tower
above the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. Famous in the media in
recent years for its suspected subsurface saltwater ocean, this is a
prime location in the solar system for the search for extraterrestrial
In the paper, scientists looked at the sublimation rates
of water ice across Europa's surface. By factoring other events that
might erode the icy moon's surface, such as asteroid impacts or
electrically charged particles hitting the moon from Jupiter, it was
found that this model would create a rough surface on Europa. In the
equatorial area of the moon, they found that sublimation would be
dominant enough to sculpt penitentes up to about 15 metres high and 7
metres across over a span of 50 million years (about the age of
Europea's surface)
These hypothesized areas of jagged ice
towers might pose a hazard for any future missions to Europa including
NASA's Europa lander concept. This will make reconnaissance key prior to deployal of any probes from orbit.
However it is just as possible that the penitente model may not apply to Europa. As it was based on penitente formation on Earth, some factors including a lack of atmosphere and Earth ices containing salts and sulfurous compounds could play a role in affecting this model.
"It is always pleasant to see how rigorous science can help us imagine
how the surface of an unknown planet could be at a scale never observed
yet," said planetary scientist Cyril Grima at the University of Texas at
Austin, who did not take part in this research.
Read more about this fascinating story at:
Read the full study here:
Penitentes in the Atacama desert via ESO/B. Tafreshi
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