Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Article Written By: Kyle Tam


 A team led by David Kipping of Columbia University may have spotted the evidence of the first-ever discovered exomoon. An exomoon is a moon orbiting an exoplanet.
 To date, there have been many instances of discoveries of moons found in our solar system and of planets spotted outside of it, however no one has captured tangible evidence of a moon orbiting a planet outside of our solar system. This could change as the team believes they have found strong evidence for a Neptune-sized moon orbiting a planet which in turn orbits a star called Kepler-1625.
 Similarly to how exoplanets are discovered by noting the dimming of stars, an exomoon would be found in roughly the same fashion. Scientists would look for dimming that occurs in the light reflected from a planet caused by the transit of its moon. This dimming was recorded three times over three trips the planet made around its star. The team also noted that there exists the possibility could have another cause - or could be a fluke in the data.
 Before this becomes a concrete discovery, the team will have the Hubble Space Telescope observe Kepler-16265 to either verify or quash their data.
Read more about this fascinating story at:

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